Project Description
RPA was chosen to develop the Missoula Area Community Transportation Safety Plan (CTSP) for the Missoula MPO. The CTSP serves as a guide for addressing Missoula’s regional transportation issues, overall travel, and most importantly, traffic safety for all modes of transportation. Current safety concerns were addressed through innovative and practical strategies which incorporate the Four E’s of Safety (engineering, enforcement, education, and emergency services). The CTSP was developed in coordination with the Transportation Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) which is comprised of City, County, State, and non-government representatives with an acute interest in safety in the Missoula area. The effort also included extensive public and stakeholder outreach to understand transportation concerns and needs. The CTSP included a detailed analysis of past safety trends, considered effectiveness of previously employed safety strategies, incorporated meaningful input from citizens, stakeholders, and local officials, and provided a comprehensive implementation framework for achieving Missoula’s safety goals. The CTSP included an in-depth review of multiple years of crash data for the entire community to identify crash trends, clusters, and other safety concerns. Over 10,000 crashes were evaluated for this effort. The analysis resulted in a data-driven review of existing crash trends, high-risk behaviors, and crash clusters. Included in the CTSP are recommendations for short-, mid-, and long-term strategies for addressing transportation safety concerns in the Missoula area while considering sustainability, resource availability, and funding constraints.
Project Details
Missoula MPO
Missoula, Montana