Project Description
RPA has served the City of East Helena for nearly 40 years, completing numerous water and wastewater system improvement projects for the City. Professional services have included funding/financial studies, rate studies, sanitary sewer collection, wastewater facilities planning, scheduling, flow monitoring, design and construction administration, and advanced tertiary metals removal. RPA recently completed a solid waste operational analysis and rate study for the City to analyze the solid waste rates, existing revenue, existing expenditures, and to discuss potential solid waste rates for two separate alternatives. RPA has just finished the design for installation of new water distribution mains in two separate locations. In addition, RPA designed a new 1.0MG prestressed concrete water storage tank and appurtenances. Construction will include installing the New Prestressed Tank, new transmission main and bypass piping connecting to the existing transmission piping, new overflow and drain piping connecting to the existing drain piping, demolition of the existing water tanks, and other site and building improvements.
Project Details
City of East Helena
East Helena, Montana