Townsend Wastewater

Project Description

RPA has acted as Townsend’s municipal engineer over the last decade on a wide variety of wastewater, water, and street improvement projects. Most recently, construction was completed in late winter 2019 on the Townsend Wastewater System Improvements Project. The Townsend Wastewater System Improvements Project consisted of CIPP lining, a new lift station, wet well, valve vault, manhole and 15” gravity and 8” force main sewer piping, dredging sludge from Cells #1 and #4 and land applying, installation of a new Headworks and UV buildings, 12” to 15” lagoon piping, new aeration system and piping, manholes, vaults, lagoon cover for Cell #4, and a new non-potable water supply well and water service. The City had no means of disinfection prior to the project and this project was needed in order for the City to meet their current Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MPDES) Discharge Permit limits.

This was a $5.9 million project that included grant funding from the Montana Department of Commerce Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP), the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Renewable Resources Grant and Loan Program (RRGL), and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality SRF Loan Program (Forgiveness). Grant funding made up approximately 20% of the total project cost. An SRF loan was used to finance the remainder of the project. RPA assisted with the grant applications as well as provided funding administration for this project. RPA also assisted the City in restructuring the City’s wastewater and water rates as part of this project. RPA is currently completing a Water System PER with the primary objective of increasing water storage volume.


  • Sewer Collection System Rehabilitation
  • Preliminary Engineering Report
  • Assistance with Discharge Permit

Project Details​


City of Townsend


Townsend, Montana