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Public open house #1

Welcome to the Gallatin County Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Action Plan virtual open house! The open house offers a convenient format for community members to participate at their leisure over an extended 30-day period, beginning Friday, December 6, and ending Sunday, January 5. On this webpage you’ll find a variety of background information and interactive content to learn more about the plan and share your feedback about roadway safety in Gallatin County. We look forward to hearing from you!

Plan Overview

This brief video presentation gives a high-level overview of the SS4A program and the planning process. In this video we explain why the Action Plan is being developed, what we hope to achieve with the Action Plan, and how you can stay involved in the effort.

To view a transcript for the video, please click here.


We invite you to take this quick survey focused on identifying the community’s top safety concerns. The results of this survey will help us tailor our recommendations to ensure the Action Plan is reflective of the community’s needs and concerns.

Interactive Commenting Map

Welcome to the Gallatin County Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Action Plan Commenting Map! 

Do you have a comment or a concern about a specific location? Let us know by dropping a pin on our interactive commenting map! While you’re there, check out the comments other community members have left.

To submit a comment:

  • click on the blue ‘Submit a Safety Concern’ button,
  • then click the location of concern on the map,
  • choose the comment type (pedestrian, bicycle, vehicle, or transit),
  • tell us about your concern.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts!

If you are having trouble viewing and commenting on the map above, please try visiting our interactive map in a new window. For questions or assistance using this application, please email or call 406-404-7636.

Preliminary Findings & Key Takeaways

In the exhibits below, you’ll find important information and key takeaways from our baseline review of safety data for Gallatin County.

How Do We Improve Safety?

After reviewing the preliminary findings from the safety data analysis, take some time to reflect on how we can improve safety together. Use the interactive commenting tool below to let us know what you think YOU can do and what you think OTHERS (law enforcement, engineers, educators, friends/family, other roadway users, etc.) can do to improve transportation safety in Gallatin County. 

Click the arrows in the bottom left corner above to see the responses to both questions.

Questions & Comments

Have a question about the Action Plan, or a comment to share with the planning team? Drop it in our comment form linked below! We will be developing a list of common themes that will be updated intermittently throughout the month as comments are submitted.

What we’re hearing

No comments yet! Check back later.



Deputy County Administrator
(406) 582-3047


Consultant Project Manager
(406) 447-5005

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Robert Peccia & Associates. All Rights Reserved